Uniting Luyhia land: Echoes of Mukitewa Nameme’s War Drum
As the tilling season of 1822 approached, there arose into popularity, a young man, son of Mukite,great grandson of Wafulumbe from Batilu tribe of Babukusu. He walked far and wide beating a massive Buganda dream. The drum beats awakened the Bukusu land to unite to a purpose and live as one people, undivided. He was 1790- born orphan whose parents were felled by Bamia Bapala during the second dispersion war at Embayi and Mwalie. He had spent his childhood as a refugee in Ebukabalasi. The tribesman would launch a solo campaign of bringing the lost sons and daughters that had dispersed amidst a successive wave of tribal wars that had created massive rift among the People of the Thigh of the Elephant. Remembered as a courageous patriotic and wise community leader, Mukite wa Nameme upon consulting an old Bukusu seer would rally people to as far as Mundoli, Samia, Marachi and Bunyala reminding them to return to Bukusu land and pronounce end of tribal wars. He was a daring young m...